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Profit Work As A Sharia Insurance Marketer

A Shariah Insurance Marketer, he works in order to mengsyiarkan sharia Islam, his job is lawful and bring blessing and invite people to charity shaleh within the scope of Takaful insurance.

More than that, sharia marketing is not just "work", but he also preaches to the guidance of Allah SWT.

What are the Advantages of Working as a Shariah Marketer when viewed further from the Shariah point of view itself;

1.Purment as a Sharia Insurance Marketer More Noble Than Khumrin Na'am
What is khumrin na'am?
Khumurin naam is a red furred camel which is the symbol of the best possessed by the Arabs at the time of the Prophet SAW.
In the hadith illustrated that inviting others to do good "accord" with the guidance of Allah SWT, will get a "reply" better than "khumrin na'am."
In the insured context, inviting others to be insured by sharia in accordance with the guidance of Islam, is included in "invite others to do good in accordance with the guidance of Allah SWT.
Rasulullah SAW said, "By Allah, if Allah guides one person through you it is better for you than the red camel. (Narrated by Bukhari)
The interpretation of khumrin na'am's meaning according to the hadith scholars:
That is a red (fur / skinned) camel. He is the most precious treasure for the Arabs

2.The Continuous Flow Flows
God will give an unbroken reward to the person who "prospers" others for good, as long as the person practices what we teach.
The concept of goodness in Islam is that every good deed will be rewarded with kindness as well. And prospecting others to be insured by sharia, is a form of inviting others to do good.
In a hadith narrated by Imam Muslim in Sahih Rasulullah SAW said:
"From Abu Hurairah ra, the Messenger of Allah (saws) said: " Whoever asks for a good, he will get the reward as the reward that follows it without reducing the reward of the person in the least. And whoso invites evil, he will get sin as the sins of the people follow him without reducing the sins of the person at all. " (Muslim).

3. "Fadhilah" Silaturahim
Among the consequences of marketing is "must" to do prospects from one person to another, and from one place to another.
The more people prospected and the more places visited, the more "benefits" it receives. So a sharia marketing is someone who most prospects and God willing the most are also clossingnya.
One of the benefits of silaturahim is "field rizkinya" and "long life".
In a hadith Rasulullah SAW said:
From Anas bin Malik ra said that Rasulullah SAW said, "Whoever wants his rizkinya denied and perpetuated his good name, then he should" connect "the ropes of friendship. (Narrated by Bukhari).

4. Bringing Blessings
When there is a transaction (read) clossing against one object, then Allah SWT will give blessing on "clossing process", as long as done by "compliance" with sharia.
Compliance in question must meet at least two criteria;
2.Kejelasan (not gharar)

So that "ujrah" from "clossing" is obtained by marketing, not only worth kosher, but more than that, ujrah is also BERKAH.
In a hadith, Rasulullah SAW said:
From Hakim bin Hizam ra, from Prophet Muhammad SAW that he said, "Two sellers and buyers may do khiyar as long as the two have not separated. If both are true (honest) and explain the state of the goods (traded), then both will be given blessing in jaul belinya. And if both hide and lie, it will be abolished pemelahan sale. (Narrated by Bukhari Muslim)

So for colleagues who have not memarketingkan (mensyarkan) Takaful insurance is now time to start, make the insurance as a part of Islamic economic revival in particular, and Islamic Awakening itself widely.

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